Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Not Too Different from Animals

I was walking through a supermarket this morning in a hurry.. I was weaving in and out of people but contained.. contained within a path.  It dawned on me we were all being herded along paths, from one shop to another, until eventually we arrived to our dormitory for rest.  How is this any different than the domesticated animals being herded from one pasture to another, until eventually they are brought to their barn?  Or even many undomesticated animals, such as rabbits and deers, running so often over one area that the grass is worn away and a path is worn in. 

Our modern lifestyle has us moving from one place to another, all over well defined paths, and even to some extent schedules, all seeming as if we are just pawns being moved from above.  It is no wonder that so many people feel we are just objects, part of some peoples greater plan for world domination.  It is no wonder there are so many conspiracies.  And it is no wonder that there is so much hatred, yet so little action to make things better.